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2024 Fall Regular Semester
PCP 101/Laboratory/X - Health Assessment Prehospital Care Profe | Credits 0.00
Assessment knowledge and foundational skills are required for patient health assessment in urgent and non-urgent practice settings. It is important to learn the necessary framework to complete comprehensive, systematic, and knowledgeable health assessments. Accurate health assessments are critical to PCP practice in helping to provide optimal patient outcomes. Development of critical thinking skills required for accurate prioritization of patient diagnoses and treatment will be emphasized.

Registration Type Traditional
Fees Lab Fee PCP C$132.00 (Fee Group All)
Instructors McClain, Kirsten Nicole
Espejo, Sarah M
Duration 8/28/2024 - 12/3/2024
Schedule Thursday  1:00 PM - 3:00 PM;  Keyano College Campu, , Room
Prerequisites N/A
Corequisites PCP 101 / Lecture
Credit Types Letter Grade No Grade
Class 12 Seats | 12 Remaining

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Keyano College - Main Campus00
Program  Credit00
College  Health&Human Service00
Department  Nurs&Allied Health00
Curriculum  PrimaryCareParamedic120
Class Level  First Year00