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2024 Fall Regular Semester
ELCC 341/Lecture/E - Child Care Organization & Administration | Credits 3.00
This course focuses on Child Care program administration. Child Care regulations and licensing policies for Province of Alberta will be covered. Topics will include financial management, staffing, relationships with families, and organization. Staff leadership will also be covered including mentoring and coaching. Prerequisite: ELCC Certificate or equivalent

Registration Type Traditional
Fees N/A
Instructors Kaur, Harman Pal
Duration 8/28/2024 - 12/3/2024
Schedule Tuesday  6:30 PM - 9:20 PM;  Keyano College Campu, Clearwater Building, Room 228
Prerequisites ELCC 210 / Practicum <min grade = P, min credit = 5.00> and ELCC 110 / Practicum <min grade = P, min credit = 4.00>
Corequisites N/A
Credit Types Letter Grade Letter Grade C- Pass
Class 50 Seats | 19 Remaining
Open (Target Met)

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Keyano College - Main Campus00
Program  Credit00
College  Health&Human Service00
Department  Childhood Studies00
Curriculum  Early Childcare Dip00
Class Level  Second Year500