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2025 Spring Regular Semester
BUS 191/Lecture/HRIA - Management | Credits 3.00
To manage organizations successfully, front line supervisors must follow concepts and practices of effective supervision and human relations. This course deals with basic managerial functions of supervisors and the strategies they need to become "well rounded total persons". Major topics include decision-making, planning, organizing, directing, controlling, communicating, motivating and strategies for improving the work environment.

Registration Type Traditional
Fees N/A
Instructors TBA, To be announced
Duration 5/5/2025 - 6/13/2025
Prerequisites N/A
Corequisites N/A
Credit Types Letter Grade
Class 12 Seats | 12 Remaining

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Keyano College - Main Campus120
Program  Credit120
College  Bus US Academic Upgr120
Department  Business Admin120
Curriculum  Bus Adm Cert120