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2024 Fall Regular Semester
OA 110/Lecture/A - Windows & File Management | Credits 1.00
This is a foundation course in operating Windows and managing drives, files, and folders in a network environment using Windows Explorer. Students will also learn functions of a computer system, hardware and software components, e-mail and Internet features. This course provides a solid foundation for students to learn subsequent Windows applications.

Registration Type Traditional
Fees N/A
Instructors Rensmaag-Izaguirre, Cristina
Duration 8/28/2024 - 10/9/2024
Schedule Thursday  1:00 PM - 3:50 PM;  Keyano College Campu, Bob Lamb Centre, Room 134
Tuesday  10:00 AM - 11:50 AM;  Keyano College Campu, Bob Lamb Centre, Room 134
Prerequisites N/A
Corequisites OA 145 / Lecture
Credit Types Letter Grade OA Letter Grade
Class 21 Seats | 5 Remaining
Open (Minimum Met)

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Keyano College - Main Campus00
Program  Credit00
College  Bus US Academic Upgr00
Department  Office Administratio00
Curriculum  Office Admin Cert00