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2024 Fall Regular Semester
AIR 202/Lecture WIL/BAV - Commercial Flight Lab | Credits 3.00
This advanced skill based course includes 20 dual and 15 solo hours of flight training to prepare the student to attain proficiency for the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) Flight Test. Prerequisites: Transport Canada Category 1 Medical; AIR 200 Advanced Navigation Flight Lab

Registration Type Traditional
Fees Business Aviation C$10,659.00 (Fee Group All)
Instructors TBA, To be announced
Duration 8/28/2024 - 12/3/2024
Prerequisites N/A
Corequisites N/A
Credit Types CE 50 Percent Pass Letter Grade Letter Grade B- Pass Pass Fail
Class 6 Seats | 3 Remaining
Open (Minimum Met)

Primary population and other student populations allowed to register for this course:
 Primary Population# Others Allowed# Others Registered
Campus  Keyano College - Main Campus00
Program  Credit00
College  Bus US Academic Upgr00
Department  Business Admin00
Curriculum  Bus Av Airline Ops60